Our Campuses

罗杰威廉姆斯大学有两个校区,为学生提供多样化的学习经验和机会. 这两个校区都有一个紧密联系的公民学者社区, leaders, world travelers, athletes, environmentalists, artists, music fans, thinkers, and doers.

But it's not all about the academics at RWU. Our campuses are full of fun and adventure. 从古色古香的新英格兰小镇到首都的中心,RWU的学生可以找到很多这两个地方.

Bristol Campus

Safewise将布里斯托尔州列为美国最安全的大学城Our main campus is located in Bristol, Rhode Island, 这个历史悠久的小镇举办了美国历史最悠久的独立日游行. 我们的校园坐落在143英亩的广阔土地上,俯瞰着希望山湾,距离布里斯托尔市中心只有几分钟的路程,那里是餐馆的所在地, ice cream shops, boutiques and antique shops, the East Bay Bike Path, and Colt State Park. We’re just a half hour drive from both Providence and Newport, Rhode Island's beach capital, and a 60-minute drive from Boston. New York is just a three-hours away.

In 2019, Bristol was ranked as one of the top 25 Best Small Towns in America by Architectural Digest. In 2022, Bristol was ranked the #1 Safest College Town in America by Safewise.com

RWU is home to nine professional schools 为学生提供几个本科和研究生课程. 我们有八所学校位于布里斯托尔的主校区,包括 School of Law. All schools provide students with unique experiences, program offerings, centers and initiatives, special programs, a chance to showcase work, and personalized one-on-one interactions with faculty. 我们的许多设施最近都进行了翻新,配备了最先进的技术和现代化的教室. 我们所有的资源-从我们的专家教师到我们的信息和就业中心-都可供学生使用,并提供动态, 自主教育的学生需要追求兴趣和激情.

RWU is home to a vibrant campus community. We offer a variety of living options on campus. Our residence halls offer spaces with spectacular views of Mount Hope Bay, the Mount Hope Bridge, and even our academic quad. 我们的学生住在单人间、双人间、套房和公寓. 在RWU很容易结识新朋友,遇到笑脸, even start a game of wiffle ball or catch on the quad.

With more than 70 clubs and organizations and 22 varsity sports在美国,机会几乎无穷无尽,从学生会到校报都有. We know that a big part of an enjoyable, 全面的学习经历发生在课堂之外. 我们让学生很容易地探索新的兴趣和发现更多关于自己.

Providence Campus

从布里斯托尔的主校区往北骑一小段路就是普罗维登斯校区, located in the heart of downtown Providence, Rhode Island's capital city. 它为所有RWU学生提供了一个充满活力的商业中心和社区合作伙伴关系,以获得各种实践经验和实习机会. The Providence location is equipped with modern classrooms, smart-board technology, and has several lounges and a cafe for study and relaxation. 通过与众多社区组织的合作, nonprofits, public school districts, and federal, state and local governments, 普罗维登斯校区是履行大学对社区承诺的关键组成部分.

The Providence campus is home to University College, 它提供了30多个灵活的课程,为各类学生提供开始或继续他们的教育或职业的机会. The Providence campus is also home to the School of Law’s Experiential Campus为该州唯一的法学院提供诊所,并为有需要的人提供免费服务.

RWU还将利用其在普罗维登斯的空间来培养其服务使命, 与各种各样的非营利组织合作,并为其提供住房 Latino Policy Institute, the Center for Workforce & Professional Development, and Housing Works RI.

此外,学生们发现,在普罗维登斯,就像在罗德岛的所有地方一样,冒险等待着他们. Dubbed the Creative Capital, the city is home to amazing restaurants, concerts, festivals, and the internationally-acclaimed WaterFire. 它一直被评为美国最受欢迎的美食城市之一 Travel + Leisure 杂志,到处都是很棒的商店和繁荣的音乐场所.